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Message started by andy_driver on 30. Mar 2010 at 13:33

Title: heater matrix change result no antifreeze
Post by andy_driver on 30. Mar 2010 at 13:33 a very big ooopppps

Title: Re: heater matrix change result no antifreeze
Post by Simon Omega 2 on 30. Mar 2010 at 13:59
sod that!

Title: Re: heater matrix change result no antifreeze
Post by andy_driver on 30. Mar 2010 at 14:32
it wasnt that bad to change the heater matrix done in half a shift  :) . the only thing you need to watch is the wiring loom is clip on to various points behind the dashboard so be patient anyone who does do it them selfs  :)

Title: Re: heater matrix change result no antifreeze
Post by VXL V6 on 30. Mar 2010 at 14:39
I think I prefer this method....

Title: Re: heater matrix change result no antifreeze
Post by andy_driver on 30. Mar 2010 at 14:48
had a look at the link there you posted there fair enough looks an easier way to do it . how long did it take to do it that way .
am sorry but a wouldnt cut any part of the dashboard it only takes minutes to remove the centre console and few hours to remove the dash  :)

Title: Re: heater matrix change result no antifreeze
Post by cem on 30. Mar 2010 at 15:44
finally, a heater matrix job done in the proper way :y :y

Title: Re: heater matrix change result no antifreeze
Post by andy_driver on 30. Mar 2010 at 16:02
theres nothing like doing things the proper way it only takes paitents if you have got that then you can do anything  :y :y :y

Title: Re: heater matrix change result no antifreeze
Post by VXL V6 on 30. Mar 2010 at 20:24

andy_driver wrote on 30. Mar 2010 at 16:02:
theres nothing like doing things the proper way it only takes paitents if you have got that then you can do anything  :y :y :y

Quite agree. I think the dashboard cut that's mentioned in the guide becomes virtually unspottable if done neatly. Never had to attempt this yet thankfully (I'll probably regret saying that!)

Title: Re: heater matrix change result no antifreeze
Post by andy_driver on 31. Mar 2010 at 09:39
hope you dont . but its fairly easy to do a full shift for anybody to this matrix job  :y

Title: Re: heater matrix change result no antifreeze
Post by Broomies Mate on 01. Apr 2010 at 00:41
I appreciate a job well done, but I'd probably do more damage doing the job 'properly' than cutting the dash  ;D

Title: Re: heater matrix change result no antifreeze
Post by andy_driver on 01. Apr 2010 at 15:45
no you wouldnt ;D its just a few bolts holding the dash secure and lots of screws holding everything else together and the wiring loom is clpied on behind the dash  :)

Title: Re: heater matrix change result no antifreeze
Post by beef on 05. Apr 2010 at 11:58
Bloody Matrix pain in the rear!

Title: Re: heater matrix change result no antifreeze
Post by andy_driver on 06. Apr 2010 at 00:31
yeah suspose it is a pain but its something that has to be done . so can get nice warm heaters  :)

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