Here are some pictures from our Spring Meeting
meeting was the weekend, the day we are not including baking meat, milled around our pets, and tin in the evening held a general entertainment. Among other things, for the pleasure of others were in the karaoke contest.
Pic_1 Women's dexterity; Pic_2 Club Car
Pic_6 Women and girls are singing
Pic_8 Boys are singing
Pic_9,10 i was it dance
Pic_12 youngest member, youngest member, the beautiful daughter of our friend
Pic_13 brewed in the evenings by the fireplace
Pic_19 talking about what women Pic_20 talking about what men
Pic_23,24,25 I do not know if there is damage, it can be felt through the Internet as it smelled and tasted even better.
I grill is one of the basic equipment of the club
and last pic_34 gift to our friend to us in a good and even though I remembered dumb Omega
That is all I hope that our photos bored while I recognize that there are not enough (and I carefully picked from the many that I or friends have taken)
These meetings we hold almost regularly (spring and autumn) and then we still have a summer meeting, which is beyond a lot of fun and lots of competitions.
As a complement to our members we diagnose cars, cleaning air conditioning repair and many konzuktací what concerns our cars
Regards from Prague McJOHN (Michal)